
In a novel by this author, a corpse falls out of a casket onto a wreath, causing a wire to pull out a wax stopper filling a bullet hole in its head. Gene serves liquor during a funeral held at a dance hall in a novel by this author. This author described the gangster Red’s “jazz-style” funeral in a novel in which the bootlegger Lee Goodwin is represented at a murder trial by the lawyer Horace Benbow. In a novel by this author, a man buys a set of (*) false teeth and a gramophone, and then marries a woman from whom he had borrowed some spades. A dead woman created by this author is put into her wedding dress and a mosquito-net veil before being placed backwards into a coffin made “on the bevel” by Cash. (10[3])For 10 points, what author who created Temple Drake in Sanctuary wrote about the burial of Addie Bundren in As I Lay Dying? ■END■

ANSWER: William (Cuthbert) Faulkner
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
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Caroline Maonats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)13510
Rahul KeyalWatching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People AgainOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry13510


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