
Note to players: while this question asks for a family of organisms, their type genus is also acceptable. Rapid-cycling species within this family were made by the University of Wisconsin’s Paul Williams in the 1970s. Upon predation, some organisms in this family use myrosinases to remove a beta-glucose from a glucos·inolate to make a toxic product in a “bomb” mechanism. Woo Jang-choon related six common members of this family as being three ancestral diploid species combined to form three tetraploid species, illustrated on the Triangle of U (“ooh”). The model organism (*) Arabidopsis is in this family. A species within this family (10[1])cultivated to have low erucic acid content is harvested to produce Canola oil. Artificial selection of species in this family named rapa and oleracea (oh-luh-RAY-see-uh) results in cultivars such as turnips, kale, and broccoli. For 10 points, what family of plants contains mustards and cabbages? ■END■

ANSWER: Brassicaceae [accept cole crops; accept cruciferous plants; prompt on cabbages or mustards]
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Adam Silvermannats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)9910


2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y1100%0%0%99.00