
In The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Batsheva Shpilman analogizes one of this character's abilities to her own ability to maintain her 50-year marriage. This character was inspired by a description from Roughing It of “a long, slim, sick and sorry-looking skeleton” that is “a living, breathing allegory of Want.” This character’s creator quoted George Santayana in stating “a fanatic is someone who redoubles his effort when he’s forgotten his aim” in a list of nine rules that also posit this character’s (-5[1])greatest enemy should be (*) gravity. This character dubs himself a “super genius” while filling fake carrots with nitroglycerin in Operation: Rabbit. Dog-Latin names like Famishus famishus and Overconfidentii vulgaris are used to label, for 10 points, what regular Acme customer, the canine nemesis of The Road Runner? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: Wile E. Coyote [prompt on partial answers; prompt on “the wolf” because that's what Batsheva calls him]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Adam Silvermannats is supposed to mean you all have gone softUG Championship Players (and Mazin)79-5
Daniel SheinbergUG Championship Players (and Mazin)nats is supposed to mean you all have gone soft12710


2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y1100%0%100%127.00