
Giovanni Lanfranco claimed an Agostino Carracci painting of this man was plagiarized by Domenichino. Angelica Kauffman’s will mentions an unfinished painting of this man that was cut into pieces and later found in a Roman junk shop by Napoleon's uncle Joseph Fesch, who reassembled it. A bowl, a partridge, and a peacock stand on a ledge at the base of a portal that frames a depiction of this man in a painting by Antonello da Messina. (15[1])Elena Tagliaferri requested that a small, emaciated depiction of this man (*) unrolling a scroll appear in the lower right corner of Parmigianino's Madonna with the Long Neck. A huge gourd hangs from the ceiling above this man in one of Dürer's Meisterstiche (MY-stair-stik-eh), which also features a skull and a lion. For 10 points, name this saint often depicted in his study working on the Vulgate. ■END■

ANSWER: Saint Jerome [accept Saint/San/Santo Geronimo or Girolamo or Hieronymus] (The second sentence refers to Leonardo da Vinci's St. Jerome in the Wilderness.)
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Michal GerasimiukUG Championship Players (and Mazin)nats is supposed to mean you all have gone soft7515


2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y1100%100%0%75.00