
The square root of one value of this quantity divided by the beta-plane parameter gives the Rhines scale. In some non-dimensionalization problems, it's good to know that the units of geopotential are the square of this quantity's units. The ratio of the pressure gradient to the density equals the Coriolis parameter times a component of this quantity for a system in geostrophic balance. Derivatives of a function denoted psi give this quantity's (*) zonal and meridional components. As depth increases, this quantity's direction twists away from the direction (10[1])of a shearing wind, forming an Ekman spiral. This quantity multiplies cross-sectional area to give volumetric flow rate, (10[1])and its curl (10[1])is the vorticity. (10[1])For 10 (10[1])points, name this quantity, which for large currents like the Gulf Stream can reach (10[1])values of 2.5 meters per second. ■END■

ANSWER: fluid velocity [or flow velocity; prompt on flow; reject “flow rate” or “volumetric flow rate”]
= Average correct buzz position

Back to tossups


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rahul KeyalWatching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People AgainColumbia B8610
Geoffrey WuColumbia BOlmo (Bonus) Bagelry10410
Adam Silvermannats is supposed to mean you all have gone softWatching Arthur Delot-Vilain at Chicago Open Made Me Like French People Again10710
Kevin Wangmeet the new weird, same as the old weirdUG Championship Players (and Mazin)11010
Daniel SheinbergUG Championship Players (and Mazin)Olmo (Bonus) Bagelry11210
Juliet Mayermeet the new weird, same as the old weirdnats is supposed to mean you all have gone soft12610


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