
In a novel by this author, an unnamed saxophone teacher attempts to vicariously play matchmaker for her students Julia and Isolde, while the drama student Stanley puts on a play about the affair between Isolde's older sister Victoria and her teacher Mr. Saladin. In another novel by this author, the protagonist claims to have seen the ghost of Emery Staines aboard the Godspeed after learning that Staines disappeared the same night Anna Wetherell was found unconscious and Crosbie Wells was found murdered. That novel by this author begins with aspiring gold (*) prospector Walter (10[1])Moody arriving in Hokitika, where he encounters a council of twelve men who each correspond to a zodiac sign. (10[1])The Rehearsal (-5[1])is by, for 10 points, what New Zealand-based author, who became the youngest-ever Booker winner for 2013's The Luminaries? ■END■ (0[1])

ANSWER: Eleanor Catton
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Mattias EhatammThe Vulture's Guide to BuzzNeg 5! Playing Quizbowl, Liddy Style9210
Ian ChowMilan et al.Parth et al.11110
Tony ChenThe Passion According to C.H.Cameron et al.113-5
Andrej VukovicCameron et al.The Passion According to C.H.1330


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2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y367%0%33%131.00
2023 BHSU @ Berkeley03/18/2023Y3100%67%0%70.67
2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y367%0%0%92.50
2023 BHSU @ Sheffield04/15/2023Y2100%50%50%107.00
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023Y367%0%33%101.50