
A Mary Weitzel Gibbons monograph analyzes this artist's narrative presentation of the Passion in a cycle of reliefs for the Grimaldi Chapel. A ground-floor chamber containing an octagonal fountain depicting Thetis is part of a complex designed by this man that contains a network of water pipes to create the effects of sweat and tears. Water appears to be squeezed from a sea monster by the stalactite-bearded, 11-meter-high central figure (15[1])of this sculptor's (*) Apennine Colossus. Several bronzes by this man depict a long-limbed god balancing on a gust of air emitted by Zephyr. His first commission for the Medici was a vertical arrangement of three intertwined figures found in the Loggia dei Lanzi. Those depictions of Mercury and Rape of the Sabine Women were sculpted by, for (10[1])10 points, what Italian Mannerist? ■END■ (0[2])

ANSWER: Giambologna [or Jean de Boulogne; or Jehan Boulongne; or Giovanni da Bologna]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Sheena LiNeg 5! Playing Quizbowl, Liddy StyleThe Vulture's Guide to Buzz6915
Sky LiThe Passion According to C.H.Cameron et al.12610
David SnoddonParth et al.Milan et al.1320
Yadu KukenthiranMilan et al.Parth et al.1320


2023 BHSU @ Northwestern02/25/2023Y4100%25%25%96.00
2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y367%33%67%99.50
2023 BHSU @ Berkeley03/18/2023Y3100%0%33%106.33
2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y3100%0%33%119.33
2023 BHSU @ Sheffield04/15/2023Y2100%0%0%103.00
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023Y367%33%0%97.50