Note to players: general answer acceptable. Bernardino de Sahagun described a type of this activity among the Aztecs which was interrupted by invocations to Macuilxochitl (ma-kweel-SHO-cheet) and named for the Nahuatl word for kidney beans. Records for an ancient type of this activity were thought to be lost before Irving Finkel tracked down practitioners among Jews from Kochi. Edward Burnett Tylor posited that an Aztec type of this activity called patolli derived from an Indian example due to the supposed presence of (*) elephants on its equipment. A painting from the tomb of Nefertari shows her doing this action alone using an object with 30 squares. A popular type of this activity derives from the Indian chaturanga (chuh-tu-RUNG-uh) and uses a term derived from the Persian for “the king is dead.” For 10 points, describe this activity, examples of which include senet and chess. ■END■
ANSWER: playing board games [accept chess or senet or the royal game of Ur; accept patolli before mention; prompt on games; prompt on dice games; prompt on gambling with “on what?”] (The elephants turned out to be tapirs.)
= Average correct buzz position