
In one book, this concept is compared to the magnets that, in medieval legend, suspend Mohammed’s coffin between heaven and earth. Luce Irigaray analyzed Hegel’s description of women as the “eternal” version of this concept “of the community.” This concept is called a “permanent parabasis” in one of the Lyceum Fragments of Friedrich Schlegel, who theorized the (*) “Romantic” form of this concept. The Hegelian term “infinite, absolute negativity” is appropriated to define this concept in a master’s thesis that analyzes the depiction of its subject in Aristophanes’ Clouds. That book by Soren Kierkegaard analyzes this concept “with continual reference to Socrates.” For 10 points, name this subversive rhetorical device, (10[1])the use of language (-5[1])to mean the opposite of what it appears (-5[1])to say. ■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: irony [or Eironeia; or Socratic irony; or Romantic irony]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Henry AtkinsNeg 5! Playing Quizbowl, Liddy StyleThe Passion According to C.H.10810
Andrej VukovicCameron et al.Milan et al.112-5
David SnoddonParth et al.The Vulture's Guide to Buzz120-5
Milan FernandezMilan et al.Cameron et al.12310
Mattias EhatammThe Vulture's Guide to BuzzParth et al.12310


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