A quantity that describes this phenomenon is expressed as a linear combination of two matrices denoted M and K in a numerical model named for Rayleigh. Multiplying the strength of this phenomenon by the factor “1 minus x squared” creates a system whose behavior is described by Lienard's theorem. The strength of this phenomenon can be quantified by the logarithmic decrement. This phenomenon corresponds to the B term of the differential equation 0 equals (*) A times x double prime, plus B times x prime, plus C times x. “Over” examples of this phenomenon display no overshooting, while “critical” examples have a Q-factor of one-half and minimize the time to static equilibrium. For 10 points, name this phenomenon in which an oscillating system loses energy and stops oscillating. ■END■
ANSWER: damping [accept damped; accept Rayleigh damping; prompt on energy loss or energy dissipation] (The second sentence refers to the van der Pol oscillator.)
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