
This family was given a flattering portrayal in a widely-panned 2022 film by the director of Revirginized and 69+1. The 2016 “Bury Now” campaign pushed for the interment of a member of this family in the Heroes’ Cemetery. A widely-circulated conspiracy theory claiming that this family owns two quadrillion dollars in gold (-5[1])from ancient royalty (15[1])was debunked by the outlet Rappler. This family’s political base is called the (*) “Solid North.” Operation Big Bird was a failed project launched by the PCGG to recover this family’s wealth. A politician from this family won a 2022 election on the “UniTeam” platform alongside his predecessor’s daughter, Sara. For 10 points, name this family of current Philippine president (10[1])Bongbong, the son of the country’s longtime dictator. (10[1])■END■

ANSWER: Marcos family [accept Ferdinand Marcos or Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos, Jr.] (The director is Darryl Yap, whose film titles are fortunately insane enough that I could just pick the shortest ones.)
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Andrej VukovicCameron et al.Milan et al.51-5
Gareth ThorlaksonNeg 5! Playing Quizbowl, Liddy StyleThe Passion According to C.H.5415
Mattias EhatammThe Vulture's Guide to BuzzParth et al.11310
Ian ChowMilan et al.Cameron et al.12210


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