
This man collected a thousand and one names for the sun and recited them while spinning around and punching his earlobes. The eclectic Alopanisad was likely written by a follower of this man, who was the primary target of polemics by the jurist Ahmad Sirhindi. This man assumed religious authority by issuing the “Infallibility Decree.” Disciples of this man presented him with their turban, and received their turban back with a coin inscribed with the phrase “Allahu (*) Akbar.” This leader named his son Salim after his spiritual teacher, the saint Salim Chishti. Inter-religious debates were held at the Ibadat (10[1])Khana (10[1])(EE-bah-dut KHA-nah) established by (10[1])this man, who founded a religion with nineteen followers, including the courtier Birbal (“BEER”-buhl). For 10 points, name this founder of Din-i-Ilahi, a tolerant Mughal emperor. ■END■

ANSWER: Akbar the Great
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Gareth ThorlaksonNeg 5! Playing Quizbowl, Liddy StyleThe Passion According to C.H.9810
Ian ChowMilan et al.Cameron et al.9910
Mattias EhatammThe Vulture's Guide to BuzzParth et al.10310


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