
This is the first name of a poet who italicized dialogue in lines like “I say I want you inside me and you split me open with a knife” in “Wishbone,” a poem from his 2004 collection Crush. An author with this first name asked a poem’s addressee to “spare us all word of the weapons” when “you come, as soon as you must, to the streets of our city.” A poet with this first name noted that the horrors of war do not “rouse God to relent” in a poem that asks “was man made (*) stupid to see his own stupidity?” The author of “The Fury of Aerial Bombardment” shares this first name with the poet of “Advice to a Prophet,” who wrote lyrics for Leonard Bernstein's Candide and translated many Molière plays. For 10 points, give the first name of those poets, surnamed Siken, Eberhart, and Wilbur. (10[1])■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Richard [accept Richard Siken or Richard Ghormley Eberhart or Richard Wilbur]
= Average correct buzz position

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