
Note to players: description acceptable. Opposition to this action was the stated aim of the failed Plan de la Noria, and was re-used to lead a revolution which succeeded at the Battle of Tecoac. In an article where he is credited with creating a “progressive nation,” one man sparked a political crisis by promising not to take this action again. After creating a party (15[1])named for its opposition (15[1])to this action, the imprisoned (*) Francisco Madero (10[1])called for the populace to prevent this action in the Plan of San Luis Potosí. Due to the ban on this practice in the Constitution of 1917, puppet presidents were controlled by Plutarco Calles during the Maximato. For 10 points, name this political practice banned in Mexico, which once allowed Porfirio Díaz to serve as president for five consecutive terms. ■END■

ANSWER: seeking re-election [or reelección; or seeking multiple terms as president; accept word forms; accept descriptive answers of a sitting leader being re-elected; accept Anti-Reelectionist Party; prompt on just election or being elected president] (The article is the Creelman interview.)
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Cameron AminiCameron et al.The Vulture's Guide to Buzz6315
Erik ChristensenThe Passion According to C.H.Milan et al.6715
Gareth ThorlaksonNeg 5! Playing Quizbowl, Liddy StyleParth et al.7410


2023 BHSU @ Northwestern02/25/2023Y6100%67%17%84.00
2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y367%33%33%69.50
2023 BHSU @ Berkeley03/18/2023Y2100%50%0%84.00
2023 BHSU Online04/15/2023Y4100%100%0%51.00
2023 BHSU @ Sheffield04/15/2023Y2100%0%0%124.50
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023Y3100%67%0%68.00