
This party’s first chairman earned a PhD studying under Melville Herskovits before leaving his job as a professor to fight for his nation’s independence. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this Marxist-Leninist party whose first president, Eduardo Mondlane (mond-LAHN), was assassinated by a mail bomb in Dar es Salaam, this party’s headquarters in exile. He was succeeded as this party’s leader by Samora Machel.
ANSWER: FRELIMO Party [or Partido FRELIMO; accept but do not reveal Liberation Front of Mozambique or Frente de Libertação de Moçambique]
[10e] FRELIMO fought for the independence of this southeast African country from Portugal.
ANSWER: Mozambique
[10h] FRELIMO spent seven years unsuccessfully trying to stop this construction project in northern Mozambique. Portugal promised to send most of the energy produced by this project to South Africa in exchange for military help.
ANSWER: Cahora Bassa Dam

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