A book titled for this entity states that it is created by the “discharge,” a process that destroys hierarchy and removes the “fear of being touched.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this entity, which is created by “anonymity, contagion, and susceptibility” according to a book-length study of it that examines the psychology of the Assizes.
ANSWER: the crowd [accept crowds] (The first sentence is from Elias Canetti's Crowds and Power, and the second is from Gustave Le Bon's The Crowd.)
[10e] A James Surowiecki book is titled for a phrase about “the [this attribute] of crowds.” Francis Galton first demonstrated this attribute through the story of a crowd at a county fair judging how much an ox weighed.
ANSWER: the wisdom of crowds
[10m] David Riesman’s The Lonely Crowd compares the values systems of “inner-” and “other-directed” people to two different devices, which represent following inward convictions and adopting values from peers. Name either.
ANSWER: radar or gyroscopes [accept either]
2023 BHSU @ Maryland | 03/11/2023 | Y | 1 | 0.00 | 0% | 0% | 0% |
2023 BHSU @ Northwestern | 02/25/2023 | Y | 6 | 13.33 | 83% | 50% | 0% |
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo | 04/15/2023 | Y | 3 | 6.67 | 67% | 0% | 0% |
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