
A class of algorithms named for this shape are generally IRC unsafe, with the exception of a “seedless infrared safe” algorithm. The inequality “parallel velocity over perpendicular velocity is less than the square root of the ratio of maximum to minimum magnetic field, minus one” defines one of these shapes that describes particles in a plasma that are “lost” by a magnetic mirror. The indices of refraction of the core and cladding define one of these shapes that determines which photons are accepted by an optical fiber. (15[1])Particle (*) jets are generally assumed to have this shape. The spacelike and timelike parts of a Minkowski diagram are divided by one of these shapes defined by the possible paths of a light ray. For 10 points, what shapes can be cut by a plane to produce ellipses, (10[1])hyperbolas, and other “sections?” ■END■

ANSWER: cones [accept double cones; accept conic]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
JacobOxford HornetsBuzzers Karamazov8615
MichaelBroken Imperial NomadsMagisters Ludi13410


2023 BHSU @ Northwestern02/25/2023Y6100%0%0%106.17
2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y3100%0%33%122.00
2023 BHSU @ Berkeley03/18/2023Y3100%33%67%106.67
2023 BHSU Online04/15/2023Y4100%0%75%127.50
2023 BHSU @ Sheffield04/15/2023Y2100%50%0%110.00