
This character sings, “My mother...killed me,” “my father...ate me” in a disturbing song based on the folktale “The Juniper Tree.” In the “Cathedral Scene,” a chorus chants lines from the “Dies Irae” that punctuate this character’s dialogue (15[1])with a reproachful “Evil Spirit.” While undressing for bed, this character sings about the King of Thule before discovering an enchanting box of (*) jewels. This character’s (10[1])lover has a vision of her after seeing a mouse appear in a witch’s mouth while dancing at the top of the Blocksberg. A voice from Heaven announces, “She is saved” after this character refuses to escape from prison, where she awaits her execution for drowning her newborn child. For 10 points, name this lover of the title scientist from Goethe’s Faust. ■END■

ANSWER: Gretchen [or Margarete]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
OmerOxford HornetsMagisters Ludi3615
MichaelBroken Imperial NomadsBuzzers Karamazov6210


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