
In a 1961 paper, this person developed a thought experiment about people preferring known over unknown risks when wagering on the colors of balls drawn from two urns, forming a bias termed “ambiguity aversion.” This person was inspired by a speech given at Haverford College by pacifist activist Randy Kehler. Senator Mike Gravel supported this person by entering documents into the public record. In addition to their Watergate shenanigans, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt broke into the office of this person’s (*) psychiatrist. Along with his friend Anthony Russo, this man was acquitted of charges filed under the Espionage Act after he photocopied documents revealing the truth of the Vietnam War. For 10 points, name this whistleblower who leaked the Pentagon Papers. ■END■ (0[4])

ANSWER: Daniel Ellsberg
= Average correct buzz position

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DaoudOxford HornetsBroken Imperial Nomads1230
MarkBroken Imperial NomadsOxford Hornets1230
ThomasBuzzers KaramazovMagisters Ludi1230
JamesMagisters LudiBuzzers Karamazov1230


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