
In a digressive passage, this character explains how the sun and moon cycle through the “portals of heaven,” and claims the sun’s names are Orjares and Tomas. The Epistle of Jude cites a prophecy by this character that the Lord will come with ten thousand saints to execute judgment. This character recounts how humans learned the forbidden knowledge of cosmetics and root-cutting from Shemyaza and his (15[1])cohorts. He is the (*) purported author of a book that, among Christians, is only considered canonical by the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox (10[1])churches. Genesis 5 claims that this man “walked faithfully with God; then he was no more.” (10[1])His namesake apocryphal book describes how the Watchers mated with humans and became fallen angels. For 10 points, name this great-grandfather of Noah. ■END■

ANSWER: Enoch [or Chanok or Henok; accept Metatron]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Owen RileyThe Enrique Trastamara Military Academy BHouston and friends6515
Raymond WangHutto HipposWhat is BH! And you are asking me? BHSU8710
Mike CheyneRollin in from Sturgis, The Cheyne GangCornell C++10310


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2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y367%0%67%106.50
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