
Note to moderator: read the answerline carefully. One of these works that is often read as a self-portrait and as an homage to Rembrandt's David Playing the Harp Before Saul centers on a black-cloaked figure holding a lute or guitar, and is titled The Sadness of the King. In another of these works, irregular yellow stars and a blue field surround the central figure, whose only visible feature (15[1])is a red circle over its heart. Lydia Delectorskaya (15[1])helped create many of these works, and wrote explanatory notes for a series including The (*) Swimmer in the Tank, Pierrot's Funeral, and Icarus. One of these works titled Le Bateau inadvertently (10[1])spent 47 days hanging upside-down (10[1])in the MoMA. A series of lithographs were made from a quartet of these works titled Blue Nude. The art book Jazz collects many examples of, for 10 points, what gouache-and-paper works by the Fauvist painter of The Dance? ■END■

ANSWER: paper cut-outs by Henri (Émile Benoît) Matisse [accept Henri Matisse's collages or Henri Matisse's decoupage works; prompt on collages or decoupage works alone; prompt on Henri Matisse's paper works]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jonathan TranHutto HipposRollin in from Sturgis, The Cheyne Gang6715
Sinecio MoralesThe Enrique Trastamara Military Academy BCornell B-7615
Young Fenimore LeaveWhat is BH! And you are asking me? BHSURollin in from Sturgis, The Cheyne Gang10710
Nathan ZhangHutto HipposCornell C++11210


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