
This figure abducts a maiden who marries him after he promises not to go to war and she promises not to go to village dances. Later, he creates a flock of sheep from powdered wool to distract a wolf and a bear, then cuts through a wall of snakes to reach a banquet hall where he wins duels with both magic and swords. After this hero is forced off the Island of Refuge, he seeks revenge with his companion Tiera, (-5[1])but only succeeds in convincing Frost not to kill them. He warns his mother to watch for his (*) hairbrush to bleed (10[1])before embarking on a quest in which he captures the (-5[1])moose of Hiisi (HEE-see). A bee brings honey from Ukko (OOK-koh) to this hero's mother, who uses a copper rake to pull his body from the river where he (-5[1])died hunting the swan of Tuonela (TOO-oh-NAY-lah). For 10 points, name this hero who helps Ilmarinen (EEL-mah-RIN-en) and Väinämöinen (VYE-nah-MOY-nen) recover (10[2])the Sampo in the Kalevala (KAH-leh-VAH-lah). ■END■

ANSWER: Lemminkäinen [accept Ahti or Kaukomieli]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Daniel HothemDr. Christopher Manners, MD – Samarra, IraqCornell C++79-5
Raymond WangHutto HipposCornell B-10010
coby tranWhat is BH! And you are asking me? BHSUThe Enrique Trastamara Military Academy B110-5
Ash SeetharamanHouston and friendsRollin in from Sturgis, The Cheyne Gang139-5
Amogh KulkarniCornell C++Dr. Christopher Manners, MD – Samarra, Iraq16010
Sinecio MoralesThe Enrique Trastamara Military Academy BWhat is BH! And you are asking me? BHSU16010


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2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y3100%33%33%97.67
2023 BHSU @ Berkeley03/18/2023Y3100%0%0%100.67
2023 BHSU Online04/15/2023Y475%0%75%140.00
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2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023Y367%0%33%111.00