The progress zone and apical epidermal ridge were discovered in this organism, whose embryos are used to study limb formation. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this model organism. By studying a disease in this organism caused by the Src (sark) gene, Peyton Rous proved that viruses can cause cancer.
ANSWER: chickens [or Gallus gallus domesticus]
[10h] This group of cells undergoes reciprocal signaling with the AER using fibroblast growth factors to regulate the development of the limb bud. This group of cells secretes sonic hedgehog homolog to determine limb patterning along the anterior/posterior axis.
ANSWER: zone of polarizing activity [or the ZPA]
[10e] The cells in the ZPA, as well as muscles and bones in general, are derived from this germ layer, which lies in the center of the 3-layer embryonic stage.
ANSWER: mesoderm
2023 BHSU @ Berkeley | 03/18/2023 | Y | 3 | 6.67 | 67% | 0% | 0% |
2023 BHSU @ Maryland | 03/11/2023 | Y | 3 | 10.00 | 67% | 0% | 33% |
2023 BHSU @ Northwestern | 02/25/2023 | Y | 6 | 11.67 | 83% | 17% | 17% |
2023 BHSU Online | 04/15/2023 | Y | 4 | 17.50 | 100% | 50% | 25% |
2023 BHSU @ Sheffield | 04/15/2023 | Y | 2 | 5.00 | 50% | 0% | 0% |
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo | 04/15/2023 | Y | 3 | 3.33 | 33% | 0% | 0% |
2023 BHSU @ Yale | 04/08/2023 | Y | 3 | 16.67 | 100% | 67% | 0% |
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