One of these objects decorated with eagle feathers was presented by White Buffalo Woman, along with a red stone carved with seven circles representing seven sacred rites. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this object, called a chanupa, which is thought to send worshippers’ souls to Wakan Tanka in rituals practiced by a Plains Indian tribe.
ANSWER: sacred pipe [accept peace pipe]
[10e] Each part of the sacred pipe represents a different aspect of the world of this Plains people. The United States Army suppressed this tribe’s practice of the Ghost Dance ritual in the Wounded Knee Massacre.
ANSWER: Oglala Lakota [or Sioux; or Oceti Sakowin; or Seven Council Fires]
[10h] John Fire Lame Deer was one of these Lakota “sacred clowns,” who break taboos by engaging in various “backwards” activities. These people are said to possess sacred power due to having seen a Thunderbird.
ANSWER: heyoka [or haokah]
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