
Along with a delegation of Greek scholars, John VIII Palaiologos traveled to this council in an effort to persuade Pope Eugene IV to end the Great Schism. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this 15th century church council, which moved from one Italian city to another due to the plague.
ANSWER: Council of Florence-Ferrara [or Council of Ferrara; accept Council of Basel; accept any combination of the 3 cities mentioned]
[10h] This late Byzantine philosopher, called the new Plato by some Italian Renaissance thinkers, was part of the delegation. He secretly advocated a rejection of Christianity and return to the worship of Greek gods in his posthumous Book of Laws.
ANSWER: Gemistos Plethon [or Georgios Gemistos Plethon]
[10e] Plethon revived the use of this ancient term to refer to the Greek people in an effort to create a nation in the Peloponnese. The name of the modern nation of Greece derives from this term. Word forms are acceptable.
ANSWER: Hellenes [accept Hellenic Republic or Hellas]

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