
The phrase “rara avis” comes from a poem comparing a good member of this group to a “rare bird.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this group attacked in Juvenal’s Sixth Satire, the poem that originated the phrase “Who watches the watchmen?”
ANSWER: Roman women [or wives; or noblewomen; or mulieres or feminae]
[10h] This author wrote the vicious satire “Types of Women,” which praises only the hardworking “bee-woman.” Under ACF rules, you may also name Bacchylides’ uncle, who claimed that painting was “silent poetry.”
ANSWER: Semonides of Amorgos [accept Simonides of Keos]
[10e] Some scholars claim that Semonides’ “bee-woman” was inspired by this poet’s Works and Days, which blames the first woman, Pandora, for all human suffering.
ANSWER: Hesiod [or Hesiod of Ascra; or Hesiodos]

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Hutto HipposRollin in from Sturgis, The Cheyne Gang0101020