
The rate of this process exponentially decays from an initial rate to a final, constant rate in Horton's equation. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this process, which accounts for the majority of the “losses” part of a hyetograph (“high”-EHT-oh-graph). This process is the downward movement of rainwater into soil.
ANSWER: infiltration
[10e] Excess precipitation above a soil's infiltration capacity can produce this phenomenon, in which the excess water flows over the surface, eroding soil and carrying pollutants with it.
ANSWER: surface runoff [accept direct runoff]
[10h] The total volume of excess precipitation can be calculated from a hyetograph using an iterative method named for this quantity, which is the rate of losses in inches per hour if you assume that infiltration losses occur at a constant rate.
ANSWER: phi index

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