The team responsible for the English localization of Mega Man X5 were apparently huge fans of this band, blessing the world with translated boss names such as Duff McWhalen and Squid Adler. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this hard rock band whose longtime guitarist Slash appears as a playable character in Guitar Hero III.
ANSWER: Guns N’ Roses [prompt on GNR]
[10h] A Guns N’ Roses song lends its name to the open-world setting of this racing game released in 2008, just before its developer Criterion Games took over the Need for Speed franchise.
ANSWER: Burnout Paradise (Both the song and the game's setting are named “Paradise City.”)
[10m] English translators gave names inspired by rock musicians to Slash, Ozzie, and Flea, three henchmen of Magus fought in the Fiendlord's Keep in this JRPG.
ANSWER: Chrono Trigger [or Kurono Torigā] (The original Japanese names of Slash, Ozzie, and Flea were puns on soy sauce, vinegar, and mayonnaise.)
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