
People in this region venerate the defrocked priest Padre Cicero as a saint, and celebrate his miracle of turning communion wine into blood within his congregant's mouth. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this Portuguese term for the backlands region of Northeastern Brazil. This rural region is the setting of many Brazilian folk tales and legends.
ANSWER: sertão (sair-TOHWN) [or sertões (sair-TOYSS); or sertão nordestino]
[10h] This is the primary biome in the sertão. This dry forest biome, whose name is a Tupi word meaning "white forest" and which is unique to Brazil, is characterized by thorny trees and large cacti.
ANSWER: caatinga (KAH-ching-uh)
[10e] This other biome is the primary one in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and extends southwards into Uruguay and Argentina. Buenos Aires is located in this fertile grassland region.
ANSWER: pampas

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