
Unstable examples of these molecules can be transiently made more stable for detection in the “spin trapping” technique. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name these molecules, which can react with themselves to form one molecule in a recombination reaction. These molecules can mediate chain reactions with initiation, propagation, and termination steps.
ANSWER: free radicals
[10m] This phenomenon creates a trend in which tertiary radicals are more stable than secondary radicals, which are more stable than primary radicals. This phenomenon also creates a similar stability trend in carbocations.
ANSWER: hyperconjugation [reject “conjugation,” if someone tries to protest that “conjugation” should be promptable give them like A neg 20 instead for thinking they can do That]
[10h] In this effect, a radical is sandwiched by an electron-withdrawing and an electron-donating group, giving the radical remarkable thermodynamic stability due to electron delocalization.
ANSWER: captodative effect [accept merostabilization from a player born in the 1960s or earlier; prompt on push-pull effect]

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2023 BHSU @ Berkeley03/18/2023Y36.6733%33%0%
2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y33.3333%0%0%
2023 BHSU @ Northwestern02/25/2023Y611.6750%50%17%
2023 BHSU Online04/15/2023Y415.00100%50%0%
2023 BHSU @ Sheffield04/15/2023Y20.000%0%0%
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023Y313.33100%33%0%
2023 BHSU @ Yale04/08/2023Y316.6767%100%0%


PurdueAmartya Senpai Notice Me0000
Epic GamesMaryland B-010010
Chicago AMichigan1001020
Mojo ShojoIllinois100010
WUSTLChicago B1010020