
This group believes in a “holy trinity” consisting of the concepts of Ma’na, Ism, and Bab, which are reincarnated in different individuals throughout history. For the stated number of points:
[10m] For 10 points, which secretive minority Muslim ethno-religious group within Syria includes the Assad family? This heterodox Shia sect does not abstain from alcohol.
ANSWER: Alawites [reject “Alevis”]
[10h] For 10 points, what other Middle Eastern ethnic group's flag contains red, white, and blue lines representing the Tigris, Euphrates, and Great Zab? An annual observance of this group takes place on the date of Bakr Sidiqi’s incursion into Simele (sim-EH-leh).
ANSWER: Assyrians [or Neo-Assyrians]
[10e] For 10 points, what large minority group in Lebanon also practices Christianity, like the Assyrians? An unwritten power-sharing agreement holds that the president of Lebanon must come from this minority group.
ANSWER: Maronites [accept Maronite Christians]

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2023 BHSU @ Maryland03/11/2023Y120.000%100%100%
2023 BHSU @ Northwestern02/25/2023Y621.67100%67%50%
2023 BHSU @ Waterloo04/15/2023Y320.00100%67%33%


Epic GamesMichigan001010
Maryland B-Amartya Senpai Notice Me10101030
Maryland B-Amartya Senpai Notice Me10101030
Maryland B-WUSTL10101030
Maryland B-WUSTL10101030
Chicago B+Mojo Shojo1001020
Chicago ANorthwestern1001020
PurdueTeam 20101020
Maryland B-Amartya Senpai Notice Me10101030
Maryland B-Amartya Senpai Notice Me10101030
Maryland B-WUSTL10101030
Maryland B-WUSTL10101030