
This actor resists a nurse’s attempt to take his character’s temperature in one of dozens of suggestive clips spliced together in Mark Rappaport’s documentary about this actor’s Home Movies. In one film, this actor plays Bob Merrick, who crashes his speedboat and is saved by the resuscitator belonging to Dr. Phillips, who has a heart attack at that very moment. After achieving stardom in Magnificent Obsession, this actor worked with director (*) Douglas Sirk on seven more films, including one in which he plays a tree nursery owner who falls in love with a wealthy older widow played by Jane Wyman. This actor was the subject of numerous articles about his homosexuality before he died in 1985. (10[1])For 10 points, name this star of All That Heaven Allows (10[1])and Seconds, the first major celebrity to die from AIDS. ■END■

ANSWER: Rock Hudson [or Roy Harold Scherer Jr.]
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Jonathan MaginMaryland B+The Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Negs11510
Emmett LaurieRutgers DiasporaMaryland A12610


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