
Due to the level of disorder in the countryside during this conflict, major landowners were allowed to maintain private armies to fight guerrillas. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this decade-long conflict between Conservative and Liberal militias in Colombia, beginning in 1948.
ANSWER: La Violencia
[10h] La Violencia began with these massive riots, which were sparked by the assassination of Liberal presidential candidate Jorge Eliécer Gaitán.
ANSWER: Bogotazo [prompt on descriptions of riots in Bogota with “what were they called?”]
[10e] As La Violencia ended, Liberal activist Manuel Marulanda founded this left-wing guerrilla group, whose conflict with the Colombian government officially ended in 2016.
ANSWER: FARC [or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People’s Army; or Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo]

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