
As part of a series of boycotts on British goods, colonial women in Massachusetts were encouraged to perform this action, rather than shopping. For 10 points each:
[10m] A 1760s movement involved what action meant to harm British business in response to the Townshend Acts?
ANSWER: make clothing at home [accept textiles or other synonyms in place of clothes; accept descriptive answers indicating clothes are being made rather than purchased; accept Homespun movement; prompt on answers like making things at home with “what is being made?”]
[10e] In 1774, a group of women in Edenton, North Carolina organized a protest boycotting this good. A more well known protest against taxes on this good was carried out by the Sons of Liberty in Boston.
ANSWER: tea [accept Edenton Tea Party or Boston Tea Party]
[10h] This woman’s business importing clothes to Boston failed due to the boycotts. She often corresponded with her brother Ben Franklin, who displayed her homemade soaps in Paris as examples of American simplicity.
ANSWER: Jane (Franklin) Mecom [prompt on Jane Franklin]

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