
The first constrained geometry complexes contained bridges described by this word. For 10 points each:
[10h] Give this prefix that describes metallocenes (meh-TAL-oh-“scenes”) with a clamshell structure whose handle-like bridges prevent their cyclo·penta·dienyl ligands from rotating.
ANSWER: ansa
[10e] The so-called ansa-effect, or increased reaction rates seen with ansa-metallocene catalysts, is believed to be due to providing more reaction space at the metal center, which is considered this sort of effect. These effects are caused by electron clouds taking up space and contrast with electronic effects.
ANSWER: steric effects
[10m] Like pretty much any potentially attractive organo·metallic in the field of polymer science, ansa-metallocenes are of interest due to their ability to control this property, the relative stereochemistry of a polymer.
ANSWER: tacticity [accept tactic polymers]

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