
This ruler destroyed a Jesuit-built church named after his grandfather before pardoning Jesuits and allowing it to be rebuilt the next year. This ruler’s daughter was a learned Sufi and wrote a biography of Moinuddin Chishti; that daughter would later care for this ruler during house arrest. (15[1])This ruler’s campaign against the Safavids stalled after three failed sieges of Kandahar. This ruler’s father allowed this ruler’s stepmother to dominate the court, prompting a failed rebellion, but this ruler nevertheless overcame (*) Sharyar Mirza in a later succession crisis. This ruler’s choice of Dara Shikoh as his successor began a crisis (-5[1])that resulted in his usurpation and imprisonment in Agra Fort. For 10 points, Aurangzeb succeeded what Mughal emperor (10[1])who built the Taj Mahal? ■END■

ANSWER: Shah Jahan [accept Khurram]
<JF, World History>
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Jaik Havlicktag magnet: taylor's versionTexas C98-5
Pablo LloydHCCTAMU11610


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