
The ratio of this quantity to its “apparent” value defines a quantity symbolized r in the Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter models. Materials with very high values of the specific form of this extensive quantity, like NU-110 and DUT-60, can be activated with supercritical CO2. This quantity can be determined by injecting nitrogen into a sample cell at several different pressures, and then using the B·E·T isotherm. The increased capacitance of EDLCs is due to high values of this quantity for (*) activated carbon electrodes. The surface free energy equals the surface tension times this quantity. Catalysts like zeolites have high values (-5[1])of this quantity due to their extensive pore networks (10[1])giving them more sites for reactions to occur. For 10 points, give this quantity that measures the space available for molecules to adsorb. (10[1])■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: surface area [accept specific surface area or SSA]
<VD, Chemistry>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Ryan HumphreyTexas ATAG Magnet: Taylor's Version98-5
Viraj NegandhiTexas BTAMU10710
Vince IngersollTexas CHCC13010
Ketan PamurthyTAG Magnet: Taylor's VersionTexas A13110


2023 ARCADIA at DukeEmory, Duke, YaleY3100%0%0%120.00
2023 ARCADIA at EmoryEmory, Duke, YaleY475%0%0%102.67
2023 ARCADIA at ImperialImperialY580%0%20%113.25
2023 ARCADIA at Ohio StateOhio State, TexasY3100%0%0%118.33
2023 ARCADIA at TexasOhio State, TexasY3100%0%33%122.67