
In Perceiving: a Philosophical Study, Roderick Chisholm defends the thesis that this property must be the “mark of the mental” because this property’s phenomena can never be reduced to behavior. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this property, the quality of a mental state “being about something” or having contents. Franz Brentano introduced this term to philosophy of mind.
ANSWER: intentionality [reject “intention”]
[10m] A book by this philosopher built on Chisholm’s analysis of intentionality and introduced a dilemma between its irreducibility and physicalist ontology. That book introduced this philosopher’s idea of the “indeterminacy of translation.”
ANSWER: Willard Van Orman Quine (The book is Word and Object.)
[10e] Chisholm tied intentionality to neutrality about this property. In predicate logic, this property is bestowed by its namesake quantifier symbolized by a backwards E.
ANSWER: existence [accept word forms such as exist]
<MB, Philosophy>

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