
This work argues that “the knowledge of good and evil is nothing else but the emotions of pleasure or pain” and such knowledge cannot check other emotions. While this work’s first section appears to support a correspondence theory of truth, the second introduces the “adequate idea,” which is true “considered in itself.” This work argues that “the order and connection of ideas is the same as the order and connection of things,” part of a position later dubbed (*) “parallelism.” This work argues that it is the nature of all things to strive (10[1])to preserve their own existence as part of its doctrine of (10[1])conatus. After introducing definitions and axioms, this work’s first proposition states “substance is, by nature, prior to its modifications.” This book drew controversy for its use of the phrase “God and Nature.” For 10 points, name this work which argues that God is the only substance, written by Baruch Spinoza. ■END■

ANSWER: Ethics
<MB, Philosophy>
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