
The only presidential candidate from the America First Party had earlier stumped for a policy named for this concept that was often pitched with an anecdote about God calling “Come to my feast.” Muckraker Henry (-5[1])Demarest Lloyd published an exposé of Standard Oil titled for this concept, which he pitted against the state. Preacher (-5[1])Gerald L. K. Smith led a network of local clubs called a (*) “society” named for this concept. (0[1])The slogan “Every Man a King” represented a policy named for this concept during the Great Depression. A person who was inspired by the Pratt Institute to create a school in Pittsburgh theorized a namesake “gospel” of this concept. For 10 points, name this concept that Huey Long moved to “share” in 1930s Louisiana. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: wealth [accept Share Our Wealth; accept “Gospel of Wealth”; accept Wealth Against Commonwealth]
<GP, American History>
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Ahmad ElrakhawiRITCornell R34-5
Sanjeev UppaluriSyracuse+RochesterCornell MATLAB53-5
Nathan ZhangCornell MATLABSyracuse+Rochester700
Raymond WangCornell RRIT12510