
A baby in one of these locations grows the equivalent of one week every day by drinking milk from his own thumb. A sūrah titled for one of these locations tells the story of how a plank is stolen from a ship by Al-Khidr, who travels in the company of Mūsā. (15[1])In Sūrah At-Tawbah, a spider spins a web and a dove creates a nest outside one of these locations to protect (*) Abū Bakr. (10[1])The 18th Sūrah is named for these locations and includes a story in which seven youths sleep for 300 years in one of these locations. The moment that a prophet was commanded to “Read!” in one of these locations is celebrated on the Night of Power. For 10 points, Jibrīl gave his first revelation to Muhammad while in what location on Mount Hira? ■END■

ANSWER: caves [accept ghar; accept the Cave of Hira; accept the Cave Sūrah; prompt on mountains or hills]
<GE, Beliefs>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Raymond WangCornell RSyracuse+Rochester5015
Nathan ZhangCornell MATLABRIT7310