
A 1981 referendum in this state gave voters two options on where to construct the Franklin Dam, although a third of voters simply wrote in “No Dams.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this state where the world’s first “green” party formed after the flooding of Lake Pedder. Bob Hawke’s commitment to preventing the dam’s construction in this state led to a landmark 1983 High Court decision.
ANSWER: Tasmania [accept Commonwealth v Tasmania or Tasmanian Dam Case; accept United Tasmania Group or Tasmanian Greens]
[10m] Around the same time, Robert Muldoon approved the construction of the costly Clyde Dam in this country, part of his “Think Big” strategy to borrow money to finance massive industrial projects aimed at increasing domestic energy production.
ANSWER: New Zealand
[10e] As prime minister, Hawke secured a ban on mineral drilling in this landmass as part of the Madrid Protocol. New Zealand claims the Ross Dependency, a region on this landmass.
ANSWER: Antarctica

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