
Answer the following about some students who hung out in Alcove 1 of the City College lunchroom in the 1930s, for 10 points each.
[10m] The literary critic Irving Howe formed his commitment to left-wing politics in the CCNY alcoves, leading him to go on to co-found a predecessor of the DSA with this activist. He analyzed poverty in the United States in The Other America.
ANSWER: Michael Harrington
[10h] Another Irving who discussed politics in Alcove 1 had this last name. He would later turn to the right, earning the epithet “godfather of neoconservatism.” His son with this last name founded The Weekly Standard.
ANSWER: Kristol [accept Irving Kristol or Bill Kristol]
[10e] Howe, Kristol, and the rest of the Alcove 1 crew held this ideology, distinguished from the Communists of Alcove 2 by their opposition to Stalinism. The man who gave his name to this ideology was assassinated with an icepick in Mexico.
ANSWER: Trotskyism [or Trotskyite]
<RR, American History>

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