
Recent locations of this company in China have marketed themselves as shrines to Léi Fēng, a communist model citizen whom Mao tirelessly promoted. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this company. For weeks after its opening, people waited in long queues to visit a location of this company near Tiananmen Square in 1987, which was the first of its kind to open in China.
ANSWER: KFC [or Kentucky Fried Chicken; accept kěn dé jī]
[10e] Western chains like KFC and McDonald’s were able to open franchises in China after the liberalizing economic reforms of this Chinese leader who succeeded Mao Zedong.
ANSWER: Dèng Xiăopíng
[10m] The first McDonald’s opened in China in 1990 in this city, which was the first special economic zone created by Dèng Xiăopíng. This city’s rapid growth has been termed its namesake “speed.”
ANSWER: Shēnzhèn
<VD, World History>

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