
Several Cezanne-esque paintings of this state, such as The Ice Hole, were created by an artist who moved back to this state due to World War I. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this state, the frequent subject of paintings by Marsden Hartley. Another painting set in this state depicts the title girl looking up at the Olson House.
ANSWER: Maine (The second painting is Christina’s World.)
[10e] Before returning to the US, Hartley depicted several military decorations in his abstract portrait of an officer from this country. This country’s New Objectivity movement was labeled “degenerate art” by one of its leaders.
ANSWER: Germany [accept German Empire; accept Weimar Republic; accept Nazi Germany]
[10h] The genesis of this Precisionist painting supposedly occurred when an author waiting for Hartley to answer his door watched traffic rush by in the rain outside, inspiring a poem that led a different artist to create this painting.
ANSWER: I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (by Charles Demuth)
<JF, Visual Fine Arts>

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