
Holmium oxide can be used for this process in UV-Vis spectroscopy apparatuses. If a spectrometer appears to give poor results in this process, one can conduct a matrix spike experiment to “recover” the results. (-5[1])An example of this process involves adding aliquots of a known concentration to a sample and then extrapolating to find the negative x-intercept; that process is the method of (*) standard addition. This type of sensitivity divided by the standard deviation of a signal gives analytical sensitivity. In a Beer’s Law experiment, this process involves generating an absorbance-concentration curve for known standards, (10[1])which can then be used to interpolate an unknown concentration based on its signal. For 10 points, name this process of quantifying the relationship between analytical variables and validating the accuracy of an instrument. ■END■ (0[1])

ANSWER: calibration [accept calibration sensitivity; accept calibration curves; prompt on validation, reference, or standard until read; prompt on matrix effect corrections or bias corrections]
<JZ, Chemistry>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Aswath KaraiMSU A and FriendGanon Evans Fan Club33-5
Sean FarrellFarrellmagnetismZen and the Art of Buzzing9410
Coby TranGanon Evans Fan ClubMSU A and Friend1290


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2023 ARCADIA at Ohio StateOhio State, TexasY367%0%33%129.00
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