
In this novel, one character primarily addresses his narrations to Skimpy, a dog of unknown origins that frequently bites people. Another character in this novel writes and distributes pornographic stories inspired by the prostitute Golden Toes and (-5[1])Huatica Street. The existence of four separate first-person “I’s” in this novel is referenced in the “four” that opens this novel announcing the results of a dice roll. Despite facing practical exile in this novel, (*) Gamboa refuses another character’s written confession. A character in this novel called “the slave” is murdered in retaliation for snitching on a member of a group called “The Circle” for stealing the answer key for a chemistry test. For 10 points, (10[1])the cover-up of Jaguar’s crimes at Leoncio Prado Military Academy occurs in what novel by Mario Vargas Llosa? ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: The Time of the Hero [accept La ciudad y los perros or The City and the Dogs]
<JF, World and Other Literature>
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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Leo LawFarrellmagnetismZen and the Art of Buzzing36-5
Aswath KaraiMSU A and FriendGanon Evans Fan Club11210
Shiva TegullaZen and the Art of BuzzingFarrellmagnetism13110
