
In one technique, fractions of this property called Manders’s coefficients are calculated after Costes’s randomization method quantifies the background threshold value by repeatedly recalculating Pearson’s correlation coefficient. One mutant with this property has a histidine substitution at the tyrosine-66 position. Linkers like R·S·I·A·T tether protein fragments in a bimolecular technique named for this property. Both (*) Cy3 and Cy5 exhibit this property in a technique named for Förster. Colocalization (10[1])determines co-occurrence of proteins by examining the spatial overlap of this property, which can be produced by reporter genes like tdTomato and mCherry. (10[1])In flow cytometry, lasers activate cells labeled with markers that exhibit this phenomenon, its namesake “phores.” For 10 points, name this phenomenon exhibited by luciferase and GFP. ■END■ (10[1])

ANSWER: fluorescence [accept word forms; accept fluorophores; accept green or blue fluorescent protein; accept fluorescence resonance energy transfer; accept bimolecular fluorescence complementation; prompt on giving off light or color; prompt on FRET; prompt on BiFC; prompt on BFP; prompt on GFP until read; prompt on colocalized or colocalization until “colocalized” is read by asking “what property is exhibited by colocalized proteins?”]
<KT, Biology>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
IrisKenyon AMichigan A6710
Freya BeinartKenyon B Ohio State A 9010
Jacob GoodsonOhio State BMichigan B 11810


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