
The fast section of one of these pieces is dominated by a staccato sixteenth note melody, first played piano and then in frenzied octaves, which begins [read slowly] “F G A B-flat C B-flat A B-flat C, C.” Franz Doppler orchestrated six of these pieces. These pieces (-5[1])often use a harmonic minor scale with a raised fourth, such as in a late one based on a march that also appears in Berlioz’s (*) Damnation of Faust. Marc-André Hamelin wrote a celebrated cadenza for the second of these pieces, which opens with a “gracenote C-sharp, C-sharp,” followed by “C-sharp B, C-sharp B.” Tom plays the second of these pieces in the Tom and Jerry episode The Cat Concerto. These pieces are divided into slow lassan and fast friska sections. (10[1])For 10 points, dances like the verbunkos and csárdás (“CHAR-dahsh”) inspired what set of 19 virtuosic piano pieces by Franz Liszt? ■END■ (10[1]0[2])

ANSWER: Hungarian Rhapsodies [prompt on rhapsodies] (The scale is the Hungarian minor scale; the fifteenth Hungarian Rhapsody is based on the Rákóczi March.)
<VD, Auditory Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Dennis YangMichigan B Ohio State B46-5
Roxanne TangOhio State A Kenyon B 12810
YashMichigan AKenyon A1490
AidanKenyon AMichigan A1490
Matthew LamOhio State BMichigan B 14910


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