
The discovery of a wooden image of this figure by her priestess Cleo led to the establishment of her sanctuary in Laconia. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this figure identified as the demiurge in an Alcman hymn, who raised an Olympian with the aid of Eurynome. Medea cursed King Idomeneus to only speak lies after he declared that this Nereid was prettier than her.
ANSWER: Thetis (The Olympian is Hephaestus.)
[10e] Following the birth of her son Achilles, Thetis dipped him in this river of the underworld to make him invulnerable.
ANSWER: River Styx
[10m] Two answers required. These two gods pursued Thetis until they learned of a prophecy that her son would be greater than his father. Alongside Apollo, one of these gods was forced to serve Laomedon of Troy after an attempt to overthrow the other.
ANSWER: Zeus AND Poseidon
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